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O Come Let Us Adore Him

“When Jesus was born in Bethlehem…magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’” – Matthew 2:1-2

Dear Friends,

The appearance and visitation of the magi at the time of Christ’s birth is just a small part of the infancy narrative, but I find it interesting for many reasons. These men traveled a great distance to bear witness to a phenomenal event. They came for something that was of God. They knew that the infant they were visiting was far more than a future king. He was divine and worthy of worship. They prostrated themselves before Him and offered precious gifts.

Preventing Homelessness – Brunswick County Homeless Coalition (North Carolina)- A Mission Society grant helped prevent seven families from being evicted. When Tameshia’s children couldn’t go to school due to COVID, she was unable to work the hours required by her job and was fired. She would have been evicted by the end of the month for owing $1,600. BCHC helped her make her payment with Mission Society funds.

“Thank you for the help you have given me and my children. NOBODY was willing to help me as much as Mrs. Rita has. My fight isn’t over as I continue to get my bills caught up and seek employment.” – Tameshia

I also love that it’s a story of bridging cultural and religious divides. The magi were men of science. Jesus was born into a Jewish family. Under normal circumstances they probably never would have met. Something compelled them to embark on that journey to meet this new king and worship him. It’s a story about responding to God’s call.

God calls us in many ways all the time. Sometimes it’s not always initially apparent. We have to open our hearts and our minds and allow the Holy Spirit to enter. Our Sisters have been called to ministry in various forms. They have led great hospitals and healed the sick; educated countless children; started foreign ministries in Jamaica, Brazil, Bolivia; and have been a loving presence to whomever they encounter.

Feeding Those Who Are Hungry – Franciscan Ministries (Kingston, Jamaica) – Mission Society support of $150/month helps Sr. Grace bring food to about 20 families in inner city Kingston and in rural areas.

Today we continue to worship Jesus, most importantly as the Son of God and the Bringer of Eternal Salvation, but also as the one who taught us to be humble, love our neighbors, ask God for forgiveness, not judge one another, love our enemies, and also that the Kingdom of God isn’t for the rich and powerful but for the weak and the poor.

Some of us can’t possibly understand the challenges that some people face – homelessness, hunger, racism, personal safety, being a single parent, unemployment, and lack of health care. Please prayerfully consider a gift that will bring love and comfort to so many of our brothers and sisters in need

Helping Families in Need – Social Ministries (Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil) – A Mission Society grant provided food and mental health support to almost 200 vulnerable people affected by the pandemic.

On behalf of all the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany and their partners in ministry, thank you for your supporting God’s work in serving those who are poor in Bolivia, Brazil, Jamaica, and the United States. We wish for your family to have a Christmas filled with peace, joy and the wonder of Christ’s birth.

May you be blessed with the gifts of the season,

Laura Whitford,

President, St. Elizabeth Mission Society

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