Home > Canticle Farm > St. Elizabeth Mission Society helps local Canticle Farm

Mission Society Helps Local Canticle Farm

Over the years, the St. Elizabeth Mission Society has made its mission about helping those at home and abroad. One of these missions at home, right around the corner, is Canticle Farm.

Canticle Farm is a ministry supported by the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany. It is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Farm, meaning it sells shares for every harvest, and then an organization or person who buys the shares come in and pick up their share of the harvest.

All produce is grown without chemicals, and is certified naturally grown, said Sister Joyce Ramage, O.S.F.

Most of the produce goes toward the local poor, especially other missions such as the Genesis House, a local homeless shelter, and the Warming House, St. Bonaventure University’s soup kitchen, both in Olean.

The past few years, Canticle Farm has received smaller grants, but in 2007, they received a large grant, which helped them get their own greenhouse on the farm property.

“The greenhouse has helped enormously,” Sister Joyce said. “Because of it, we can provide local, fresh produce for almost a full calendar year. It’s so much more efficient because our greenhouse used to be located at St. Bonaventure. This one is much larger, and it’s allowed us to serve more low-income families.”

“We’re very happy with what the Mission Society has done for us because we are also a nonprofit organization, and we are always in need of assistance.”

Photo: Sr. Joyce Ramage, OSF, leading the efforts of Canticle Farm, a local organic farm with a mission of nourishing mind, body, spirit and Earth. – 2007
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