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Sr. Avril Chin Fatt, OSF is a regular volunteer at Trinity Cafe in Tampa, FL. She applied for a Mission Society grant to replace their 25-year-old oven.

“We were able to replace the very old oven we had – what a blessing! Every day, our staff would cross their fingers and hope it would come on and not give out until all the meals were done. Now, our worries are over!”

– Sr. Avril Chin Fatt, OSF

Showing Compassion for Those Who Are Poor & Vulnerable

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”   Matthew 25:40

by Laura Whitford, President, St. Elizabeth Mission Society

A key theme of Catholic Social Teaching is the “Option for the Poor and Vulnerable.” As a society, we can measure our compassion and morality by how our most vulnerable members are treated. This theme parallels Jesus’
teachings, especially His parable of the Last Judgement (Matthew 25:31-46).

Saint Anthony, a true Franciscan and Christ-follower, had great love for those who were poor. He is the patron saint of poverty and debt, and that’s why the St. Elizabeth Mission Society specially celebrates his Feast Day. Saint Anthony repeatedly preached on the importance of giving alms to those who were poor. His social justice preaching was so compelling that the city of Padua passed a law against the practice of imprisoning debtors until they paid off the complete debt.

Last year I visited Trinity Café in Tampa, FL, which is a restaurant for the food insecure. Every day, more than 450 guests are treated with dignity at two sites. It’s the only place of its kind that’s consistently open seven days a week – Monday through Friday for lunch and Saturday and Sunday for breakfast. The Café understands how crucial it is in the lives of so many elderly, working poor and homeless individuals. It never quit serving even after a car accidentally drove into the building. Thankfully no one was hurt, but repairing the damage took a month.

The Café is truly a restaurant. Meals are served in courses, the tables are set with china, silverware and glassware, and re-set for new guests. Lunches start with a soup or salad (or cereal and milk for breakfast), followed by a hearty entrée and then finish with desert or fruit. The staff and volunteers work together to create an intentional experience in the dining room. Guests can stay as long as they would like, chatting with other guests or the volunteer who sits at the table. They thank the staff and volunteers frequently for taking the time to listen to them and look them in the eyes.

We are called to proclaim the Gospel, be witness to God’s love, and show compassion for ALL of our brothers and sisters, especially those who are poor. It is only through your generosity that our Franciscan Sisters of Allegany and their partners in ministry are able to offer their loving ministries of education, health care and support of those who are poor in Jamaica, Brazil, Bolivia and the United States. I ask you to please consider a gift to help someone who desperately needs the basic foundations of life – food and shelter.

We celebrate Saint Anthony’s Feast Day on Thursday, June 13 by offering a Mass in thanksgiving for all the blessings, graces and gifts received from God through his intercession. Please submit your concerns on the contact form below so that we may place your intentions on the altar.

In gratitude for your compassion,


Trinity Cafe Guest Quotes:

“It’s a big help when you don’t have any money. I’m not sure what I would do without them.” – Jerrozz B.

“Fantastic food and awesome people who care about people who struggle.” – Nathaniel W.

Please remember the following persons and intentions in the Saint Anthony Feast Day Mass at the St. Elizabeth Motherhouse Chapel in Allegany, NY by filling out the form below. Include Family Peace, Spiritual Help, Youth Guidance, Happy Marriage, Employment, Motherhood, Peace, Good Health, Recovery of Lost Items.

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